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Chinese translation for "four wire circuit"


Related Translations:
fours:  参加双打者灯笼裤福尔斯富尔双打比赛四叠板四发动机的飞机四人单桨小桨划船比赛
fourer:  四人赛艇选手
four species:  住棚节四样植物
four performers:  莺燕桃李
four days:  四天
four years:  四年
four men:  老爷们儿
four gimbalpiston:  四万向架稳定平台
square four:  方四正方排列4缸机
four modernizations:  四个现代化(农、工、国防、科技)四化终生职业
Example Sentences:
1.In four wire circuits , the two wires associated with the " go " channel form one " side circuit " , and those associated with the " return " channel form another
在四线电路中,与“去程”通道相关联的两线就形成了一个“半边电路” ,而与“回程”通道相关联的两线构成了另一个“半边电路” 。
2.A circuit arrangement for deriving a phantom circuit . in four wire circuits , the two wires associated with the " go " channel form one " side circuit " , and those associated with the " return " channel form another
用来派生一个幻象电路的电路结构。在四线电路中,与“去程”通道相关联的两线就形成了一个“半边电路” ,而与“回程”通道相关联的两线构成了另一个“半边电路” 。
Similar Words:
"four wire bridge" Chinese translation, "four wire cable" Chinese translation, "four wire carrier system" Chinese translation, "four wire cha el" Chinese translation, "four wire channel" Chinese translation, "four wire connector" Chinese translation, "four wire cross bar switching system" Chinese translation, "four wire distribution" Chinese translation, "four wire earthed neutral system" Chinese translation, "four wire jack field" Chinese translation